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scapular retraction

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other. you should be able to do retraction in combination with depression in all moves. holding the retraction and depression stabilizes shoulders and spine to prevent injury and allow heavier loading.

scapular depression

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. you should be able to do retraction in combination with depression in all moves. holding the retraction and depression stabilizes shoulders and spine to prevent injury and allow heavier loading. 
my client demonstrates this with lat pulldown movement.

shoulder wall slide

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. place the back of your head, upper back, lower back and butt against a wall. elbows and back of wrists should stay in contact with wall at all times. 
slide arms up the wall as high as you can without breaking contact points. perform 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

modification below.

shoulder rotations at wall

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. place the back of your head, upper back, lower back and butt against a wall. elbows and back of wrists should start in contact with wall. rotate 90 degrees down. 
aim is to achieve flat wrists to wall without breaking contact points. perform 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

external rotation shoulder slide at wall

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. place the back of your head, upper back, lower back and butt against a wall. elbows start in contact with wall. rotate 90 degrees to bring back of wrists in contact with the wall. keeping shoulders down, slide arms away from body, then return. perform 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

increase challenge by holding light band. decrease challenge by laying face up on floor with knees bent.

window washers

keep shoulders down, engage core, and pull shoulder blades toward each other and down your back. using low-anchored band, make a circle away from your body. keeping arm out of peripheral vision. perform 2-3 sets of 20 reps.

upper back release

Upper Back Release 

thoracic release with foam roller

my client demonstrates various arm positions to illustrate methods to release the tension through the back. you may need more time in one position to release the muscles. stay on a stubborn spot until it releases. work from mid-back to top of shoulders. goal is being able to easily rest head on ground in each position.​

thoracic release with rotation

you will pull on rib cage three times before fully rotating and extending arm and moving in a half circle. spend extra time on any tight areas. goal is to easily drag fingers on ground.

lat stretch on bench

this is a dynamic stretch: drop head down, then pull hands apart. pause then return to start. repeat until sufficiently stretched. 

Lower Body Release 

seated spine twist

hold each side for :60

lower body release

seated hip/glute stretch

the first position may be enough for some people. progress to pushing knee down gently and leaning forward with straight spine. hold each side for :90+

supported hamstring stretch

4 positions: 

feet together

feet wide

one knee bent

one leg elevated

keep core tight and tailbone pointed up

at least :45 in each position

hip flexor/ quad stretch, aka "couch stretch"

make sure to not force the stretch by hyper-extending spine. keep glutes engaged and core tight. hold :90+

inner thigh stretch, aka "frog stretch"

this is a slow, dynamic stretch. move forward and backward. hold where you are needing more stretch. :90+

banded hamstring/ hip stretch

keeping leg straight, focus stretch through hamstring, then lean leg across body for hip, then pull up toward shoulder for outer thigh. :90+

glute activation

Glute Activation

glute raise test

keeping leg straight, raise leg by using only glutes. if you cannot raise leg, bring hips forward slightly and try again. if using as an exercise, do 2-3 sets of 15-20e

why this matters (video)

why SMR matters!


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